We would like to invite you to our upcoming handbag accessories exhibition, which will be held from October 31 to November 4th at the Guangzhou Convention and Exhibition Center. As a leader in the handbag accessories industry, we have always been committed to providing innovative and high-quality products.
The exhibition will showcase our latest handbag accessory designs and technologies. In addition, we have prepared a series of benefits and discounts for customers attending the exhibition, including special discounts and customization services during the exhibition.
We sincerely welcome and look forward to discussing further cooperation opportunities with you. To facilitate your attendance, please let us know your itinerary in advance so that we can make the best arrangements for you.
Once again, we express our gratitude for your support and cooperation. We sincerely invite you to attend our upcoming handbag accessories exhibition and share in this industry event with you.
Guangzhou Evernice Technology Development Co.LTD